Lucy Thermal Emission Spectrometer (L'TES) Data Archive This bundle contains the following collections: L'TES Document Collection: Contains a cumulative set of LTES specific documentation produced over the duration of the mission. This collection includes the LTES Software Interface Specification that describes each data product type and the calibration methods used to produce them. L'TES Dinkinesh Raw Data Collection: Contains raw science (interferogram) data in .HDF format for the Dinkinesh encounter mission phase. L'TES Dinkinesh Raw Housekeeping Data Collection: Contains raw instrument housekeeping data in .HDF format for the Dinkinesh encounter mission phase. These data are acquired from instrument turn on to to the time of science sequence initiation. L'TES Dinkinesh Calibrated Data Collection: Contains calibrated spectra in .HDF format for the Dinkinesh encounter mission phase. This bundle was created by the Lucy Science Operations Center and archived by the Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to or Last updated 2024-08-20.