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Abstract: Collection contains documentation describing the products generated by the Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) spacecraft. The LICIACube spacecraft is supported by the DART mission via NASA Contract No. 80MSFC20D0004.
urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document::1.0 | Liens | MD5 Checksums | Browse (2.5 MB) | Download (1.8 MB) |
PDS citation information for this PDS4 collection: "Zinzi, A., Della Corte, V., Light Italian Cubseat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) Document Collection, urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2023."
DOI: 10.26007/0c5e-jk76
This PDS4 collection is a part of the following PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:liciacube | Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) Spacecraft Archive Bundle | Browse |
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