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Abstract: This data collection contains reduced and calibrated FITS images derived from raw data obtained with the 4K CCD camera on the Swope 1m Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in support of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission. The collection contains only images for which the Didymos asteroid is the target. These frames have been bias subtracted, flat field corrected, and trimmed. The images are also astrometrically registered and include a verified World Coordinate System (WCS).
urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcoswopecal::1.0 | Liens | MD5 Checksums | Browse (548.2 GB) | Download (495.6 GB in 21 files) |
PDS citation information for this PDS4 collection: "Osip, D., Las Campanas Observatory Swope 1m Telescope Calibrated Data Collection, Tinsman, C., Espiritu, R. (eds.), urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcoswopecal::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2023."
DOI: 10.26007/k2rj-zs64
This PDS4 collection is a part of the following PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs::2.0 | DART Telescopic Observation Archive v2.0 | Browse |
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