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This PDS4 bundle contains a series of related PDS4 collections.
A newer version of this PDS4 bundle has been publicly released. Go here for the current version.
Description: The DART Spacecraft Bundle contains raw, calibrated, and derived data products taken from the DRACO imager on board the DART spacecraft. It also includes shape models and geophysical facet maps as well as a radio science collection. The bundle also includes documentation that describes the data products for each data collection.
urn:nasa:pds:dart::1.0 [Overview] | Browse |
PDS citation information for this bundle: "Ernst, C.;Daly, T.; Barnouin, O.; Espiritu, R; DART Spacecraft Archive Bundle; urn:nasa:pds:dart::1.0; NASA Planetary Data System; 2021;"
DOI: 10.26007/48tw-bj04
Collections within this PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracocal::1.0 | DART Calibrated Images for the Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for OpNav (DRACO) instrument | MD5 Checksums | Browse (322.4 GB) | Download (104.7 GB in 4 files) |
urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw::1.0 | DART Raw Images for the Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for OpNav (DRACO) instrument | MD5 Checksums | Browse (362.2 GB) | Download (47.9 GB in 3 files) |
urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco::1.0 | DART Documentation for the Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for OpNav (DRACO) instrument | MD5 Checksums | Browse (9.6 MB) | Download (9.3 MB) |
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