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Abstract: This data set contains aperture photometry of known transiting planet systems GJ 436, HAT-P-4, HAT-P-7, TrES-2, TrES-3, and WASP-3 derived from radiance calibrated, clear #6 filtered images acquired by the Deep Impact High Resolution Visible CCD from 22 January through 31 August 2008 during the EPOCh phase of the EPOXI mission. The photometry data were derived from time series of continuous 50-second integrations used to observe each system for about three weeks, typically covering five or more transits as well as secondary eclipses.
DIF-X-HRIV-5-EPOXI-EXOPLANETS-PHOT-V1.0 | Browse | Download (8.4 MB) |
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Christiansen, J.L., S. Ballard, D. Deming, D. Charbonneau, D.D. Wellnitz, and S.A. McLaughlin, EPOXI EXOPLANET TRANSIT OBS - HRIV STELLAR PHOTOMETRY V1.0, DIF-X-HRIV-5-EPOXI-EXOPLANETS-PHOT-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2010."
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