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Abstract: This dataset contains clear-filter, CN, OH, C2, and dust-continuum photometric measurements of comet 103/P Hartley 2 derived from calibrated images acquired by the Medium Resolution Visible CCD (MRI) from 01 October through 26 November 2010, during the Hartley 2 encounter phase of the EPOXI mission. Two different methods were used: simple circular aperture photometry and azimuthal averaged aperture photometry, which removed stars. The results and uncertainties for both procedures are included in this dataset.
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Williams, J.L., Li, J.-Y., Bodewits, D., and McLaughlin, S.A., EPOXI 103P/HARTLEY2 ENCOUNTER - MRI PHOTOMETRY V1.0, DIF-C-MRI-5-EPOXI-HARTLEY2-PHOTOM-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012."
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