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Abstract: This data set contains raw 9P/Tempel 1 and calibration images acquired by the Deep Impact Medium Resolution Instrument Visible CCD during the encounter phase of the mission. These observations were used for optical and autonomous navigation (NAV) of the flyby spacecraft as well as for scientific investigations. These data were collected from 1 May to 4 July 2005. In this version 1.1 of the data set, the values for the INTEGRATION_DURATION keyword in the PDS data labels were corrected. This revised data set supersedes version 1.0.
DIF-C-MRI-2-NAV-9P-ENCOUNTER-V1.1 | Intro Doc | Browse | Download (221.1 MB) |
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Carcich, B., A.S. Shaw, M. Desnoyer, S.A. McLaughlin, N. Mastrodemos, and K.P. Klaasen, DEEP IMPACT 9P/TEMPEL ENCOUNTER - RAW MRI NAV IMAGES V1.1, DIF-C-MRI-2-NAV-9P-ENCOUNTER-V1.1, NASA Planetary Data System, 2007."
Older versions of this data set:
DIF-C-MRI-2-NAV-9P-ENCOUNTER-V1.0 | OFFLINE | Download (221.0 MB) |
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